Problem with your PLDTDSL Connection?

Friday, March 19, 2010

For the longest time, we were having problems with the intermittent connection of our broadband internet. At first we attributed it to my younger brother’s cheap Wi-Fi dongle. We were fine until the connection would be cut every thirty minutes, we were less productive and our downloads would return errors.

Upon doing some research, my other brother found out that PLDT was doing upgrades so maybe our line was affected and that our router may not be compatible to the new system. True enough when we try to just connect the main pc to the modem, it worked well.

So our next step was obviously to buy a new router. We also bought Gi a new and branded dongle. We settled for D-Link DIR600 after hearing good reviews. Now we’re connected 24/7 without interruptions!

If you are experiencing the same problem, then maybe you would like to check your router too :)



Alex MC said...

So your intermittent connection problem was absolutely solved?

We have the same problem here. In our case, however, the problem only arises at night. May I know the router or modem that PLDT provided you?


Kaje said...

Hi Alexander!

Yes, we never get disconnected ever since we changed the router to DLink d600.

The modem from pldt is a very old alcatel home +

Thanks for dropping by!