Car Insurance

Thursday, July 29, 2010

One of the cars is due for insurance renewal pretty soon. I am sure our agent miss us already so she will hear from me once I get the go-signal to actually request for a quote. We need the cheapest car insurance coverage but of course it should be sufficient for settlement in case we need it (knock on wood!). I will also look into other options if we are not satisfied with the quote. 

Latest Cebu Pacific Seat Sale

The image I got from websites say it will start on July 30 but booking actually started TODAY!


Yet another offer that is hard to resist! But travelling is not exactly in our plans in the near future, unless some kind soul will pay for our expenses, LOL! But you dear reader might actually be leaving soon, so why not check out the website and grab a flight?


When my former teacher’s young daughter called her “swollen” mommy (the word was a new addition to the vocabulary, LOL!)  she knew right away that she needs to do something about her weight, soon! After all, kids know not how to lie right? She started asking friends for recommendations of fat burner pills. She also checked out the neighborhood gym and decided to enroll the week after. She’s now also watching her diet. Who would like to be called swollen anyway? No one. That’s her motivation! :) 

Wednesday Happy Thoughts

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Been a while since the last time I joined. I am glad to be able to join today, right on time! :) There are days that I forget what day it is then I realize that a Wednesday just passed me by. Today is an exception ;)


  1. Klaire’s small hands that perfectly fit in mine. I’m sure that even if she’s grown up, her hands will still fit :)
  2. Finding this quote: “Love cannot be found where it doesn’t exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does.” I just feel so loved even if there are no words expressed :)
  3. Friends who are willing to share. They are blessings as they are.
  4. Realizing that I have saved what I already consider a huge amount this year for K because I skipped shopping :)
  5. Book recommendations from friends. I have a long list of (e)books to read!
  6. All tasks done, no more pending for today. Now if only I can scrap already.
  7. Finished K’s baptism photo book, finally.
  8. Afternoon naps.
  9. Weekend rest day for the husband (for a change!) even if we had to the weekly groceries without him.
  10. Work! :)

Click on the image to know how this started :)

My Other Blogs

I decided to take blogging to a higher level, finally! About three months ago, I went ahead and started three blogs from scratch. These blogs keep me busy these days since I need to update regularly so they will mature and be eligible for the kind of of work that I do. I took the plunge since the opportunities are aplenty these days and as they say, strike while the iron is hot. I now have five blogs and I plan to add some more. Updating means I need to read, read and research some more so I have quality posts to share. There is no such thing as information overload, only new lessons to learn each day ;) So join me in this journey and visit my three new domains (don’t forget my MAIN BLOG, too!):


unliart_badge fashgeek_badge gamessports_badge

Coin Collection

A friend posted in FB that they are looking for the last quarter they need to complete their collection. It is the one from Oregon. I am sure they will be too delighted to finally complete all States. it will be a lovely sight to see all coins side by side in a frame, don’t you think so? Let me know if you have leads! After they are done with the quarters, I will probably recommend that they buy gold eagle coins to level-up their collection. I think that’s a nice idea because gold is in demand these days and collecting gold coins sounds cool in a renaissance kind of way. :)

FB Clean Up

Paranoia kicked in last night when the Twitter Bebots talked about slashing FB contacts to include only those who we really know. I do not have that many in my contacts but I felt compelled to re-check the friends tab. I consider myself a social media snob (LOL!) because I don’t just add anyone. But there were times that I felt un-nice or tiny for ignoring or denying requests so there are some in my contacts that I am re-thinking at the moment. It is actually a dilemma so I decided to just create a limited list to put all those I cannot categorize in my existing list :)

With that out of the way for now, next on my to-do list is nag ask Ane to clean up his account for our daughter’s secuity! :D

BPA in Thermal Paper Receipts

I got this link when I checked my emails this morning. It was discovered that receipts from POS machines, where thermal paper is used contain high levels of BPA, even more than the BPA content in some plastics. It was the EWG which researched on this and they are cautious to add that

“people ingest 100 percent of any BPA that contaminates the food and beverages they consume" and that "the amount of BPA that enters the body after a person handles a receipt is unknown but likely a fraction of the total BPA on the paper,"


I am actually having mixed emotions about this revelation because the extent of possible damage to the body is unclear. And besides, tape thermal receipts have been in the consumer world for quite some time already and no one I know is suffering from any endocrine disruption related illnesses. All I can do now is follow the recommendations listed in the article – wash hands after contact, avoid alcohol based hand cleaner, and never let Klaire play with receipts anymore – to avoid possible ingestion or skin absorption. After all, prevention is always the key. ;)

In the Mail

I recently got a term life insurance quote from my agent. I am not too sure why she sent me one but I remembered that my premium payments will end early next month and my policy will start self-liquidating. Maybe she knows someone from my family is not insured yet so she went ahead and offered me a product since we’re done with mine.  I’ll have to see what the husband has to say about it! :)

Tech Support

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This flowchart cracked me up! Honestly, it is easier to teach a five-year old kid some computer stuff than say my dad who owns a single gadget – a mobile phone which he hardly use for text, just calls (oh he has a USB voice recorder LOL).


Anyway, someone made and let me feel so techie today ;) I felt smart having to give DNS instructions, LOL, even if I know she knows already. Hey computer geeks, I know that’s an easy-peasy “issue” but for me that’s already a milestone, harhar!


**click on image to view source

Killing Time

I know this is not exactly normal behavior, I mean to “kill time” when it’s one in the morning, right? But I miscalculated time and seeded my FV plots with 4 and 2-hour crops, LOL! Now I do not want to waste the effort so I am forcing myself to wait :) I am keeping myself amused by reading “Love the One You’re With” and some celebrity tweets while I blog and research on Phentermine 37.5 for work in between. I’ll be off to lala-land once the crops are ready and harvested ;)

Hello I’m Kaje and I’m an FV addict! LOL!


For Christmas last year I got this 500gb EHD from the husband as an early gift (because he bought it around November):



Since Ane cannot exactly keep secrets from me, he confessed how much he paid for this nifty gadget (which I was obviously ecstatic over since my 80gb one was almost full of kits and photos!). Less than two weeks ago, we found ourselves buying another one for my friend Diane from our reliable and legit supplier. This EHD is now understandably cheaper than in November. We only paid about P1500 ( $35USD) less than the amount Ane paid for mine. Such a steal right? It was really a good deal and everybody’s happy.

Now the next day, we were at the mall and passed by a well-known store. Imagine our surprise when we saw that the same product was being marked P1300 more than what we paid for in November!! No wonder there are lots of stocks in display because they’re just way too expensive!  I wonder if people actually buy from that store!

We should be wary of things like this. Be a wise consumer and do your research first! Why would you buy a product from a store that kind of charges you for their rent of space? Crazy.

Her Dilemma

Sam received some good and bad news last night. Her friend from college called and shared that she’s getting married before the year ends. The other good news is that Sam has been invited to host the reception program which she would really love to do as a gift. The bad news is that Sam gained weight and some formal wear would not look nice on her. She won’t be a pretty sight on stage! The minute they put the phone down, Sam’s brain went on over drive to think of diets for quick weight loss. She also decided that this week is the perfect time to return to the gym. Sam is definitely up for the challenge!

Balenciaga 10th Year

Monday, July 26, 2010

Are you a certified bagaholic? Then you might be interested to know about the limited edition (unreal) animal prints of First and City and matching ballerina flats. These are only available online in the UK website. This is being offered to fans to commemorate the time when Balenciaga First was released ten years ago.


balenciaga-first10th Balenciaga First


Balenciaga City


Ballerina Flats

Rainy Days are Definitely Here!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

It rains almost everyday now. I am thankful for the rain, we need it to alleviate the water distribution problem in Metro Manila. But I don’t want another Ondoy to arrive either. That was traumatic. When it rains I whisper a prayer of thanks but also ask God to not make it too hard for the homeless or whose homes cannot take too much rain shower. With the rainy season comes the common illnesses: colds, coughs, flu, even dengue. So it is also time for everyone to make sure resistance is high. It is during these times that we take double doses of vitamins for added protection. I hope you do too.

Flaw: Are you a Safari User?

A couple of days ago, it was revealed that a digital investigator discovered a potentially dangerous flaw to Safari browse, both versions 4 and 5.  The browser’s Auto-fill feature can be exploited by visited websites to acquire a user’s personal information including the address book. Auto-fill makes it easier for users to not type details each time but it is not a safe practice to do so. The use of a javascript code is all a malicious website needs to submit to other websites to commit fraud against the Safari user.

No need to panic though. All you have to do is turn-off that setting by unchecking the option, ASAP. Just go to Safari > System Preferences > AutoFill, and uncheck all the boxes. Keep it that way until Apple issues a security update.

Safari Auto Fill Settings 

Working in front of the television

Talk about multi-tasking. I am working, reading on apidexin reviews, having merienda, browsing some sites, and watching the live telecast of the DLSU-ADMU basketball match.  I have been working since this morning and I guess I deserve a little down time right? Oh wait, I just woke up from a 2-hour nap, LOL! This weekend is turning into another working weekend but I have no complaints. Ane was just too happy (I think!) that we get to stay in today and not spend money outside, hehe. So sorry folks if you feel flooded with my posts. I am trying my best to blog relevant entries! :)

RIP Joey Velasco

Joey Velasco excelled in the Arts in the Philippines. His pieces of work included “Hapag ng Pag-asa,” his version of the Last Supper. The painting shows Jesus Christ dining with children. Such a heartwarming painting, would you agree?

Hapag ng Pag-asa

I wrote a little about him in Unlimited Artistry, so you might want to check it out. His other works are posted in his website. Click the image and it will lead you there.

Eternal rest grant unto Joey, and let Your perpetual light shine upon him. May Joey rest in peace. Amen.

Breaking a Habit

Famous actor Jack Nicholson said “The only way to break a bad habit was to replace it with a better habit." This is also what I mentioned to a friend whose dad she in convincing to give up cigars if he can help it. See the dad was recently diagnosed with severe asthma and it would be healthier for him to give-up this vice. I hope it work for my friend who is worried sick for her dad. And I hope the dad listens, too!

Keisuke Today


The picture is not actually taken today but after his last grooming session. His coat is longer now :) I have not shared anything about our dear Keisuke for the longest time. He is turning four years old early next month! How time flies. He is now considered a fully grown adult dog! He is still his happy, playful and kulit self. He is not a big fan of Klaire because he barks like crazy when K walks around. That or he just wants to play with her. Now I don’t allow that yet because I think Kei doesn’t know yet that our K is also a human being, LOL but one of his stuffed toys! Scary, haha. Another theory: he thinks he is also a human being so the first born syndrome kicks in every now and then hehe.

A few months ago, he was diagnosed to have a liver disease (like Hepa in humans?). He didn’t have the ability to digest his food fully or he was eating too much. Good thing it was controllable by medicines and change in diet. We’re just glad it was diagnosed early or we could have lost him. His eyes we’re yellow when he was brought to the vet! We thought it was a simply anemia. He had to endure blood extractions too. Last night we received the good news, that according to the latest blood test, his levels are now all normal. He is now off the meds, yey!

We’ll probably cake or ice cream for his birthday to celebrate! :)

Filipino Boxers Brought us Glory!

Filipino Boxers won in their respective matches in late June and in July.

Female Fil-Am Ana Julaton grabbed her third title belt after she won her match against Mexican Maria Elena Villalobos on June 30. The Hurricane visited the country for the first time last week to reconnect with her roots.

Brian Viloria won after split decision 10-round match against Omar Soto  on July 10.

Nonito Donaire, Jr finished a convincing win over Hernan Marquez the day after Viloria’s fight. Donaire retained his WBA super-flyweight belt.

For more information, click here and here :)

Stop the Rumors!

Ely Buendia of the Eraseheads fame is not dead, people! I saw a tweet linking to this news item and Diane Ventura obviously had to dispel the rumor that’s circulating via text. We all know that Ely is suffering from a heart ailment but that is not reason enough to speculate when he is fine. They brought him to the hospital but was discharged right away.

It is never funny to mock death. I hope people will start realizing that by verifying news first before forwarding messages.

Gold, gold, gold

John is going to retire in a couple of years. As early as now he and his wife are planning what to do with his retirement/pension money so at least he could still earn even with no work. Someone mentioned that he can buy gold bullion or bullions as an additional investment. Upon doing his research, John realized that may be gold is one way to go. Financial analysts have proven that these metals can increase purchasing power and preserve an individual’s wealth. This is a way to diversify investments and not just put money in traditional ones like banks and stock market.

UAAP Season 73 Basketball

Today, the Green Archers will play against the Blue Eagles for the first time this UAAP Season. I heard some Ateneo fans will bring vuvuzelas in Araneta and that will probably drive me crazy even if I just watch on tv LOL. I haven’t had the time to watch any of the matches since the opening this year but I hear comments when there are matches.

Here is the current standings of the teams. I’m hoping the tie will break today, woohooo (in favor of the greens of course!)


Sony Vaio Give-Away

I saw this somewhere but haven’t gone to check out the details. I planned to blogged about it in my geek site but I forgot, LOL. Maybe later I’ll do that, I need to update also. Anyway, the promo is true because it was posted in the Sony website.  They will accept entries until August 6 which leaves me with a couple of weeks to procrastinate, LOL!

Are You A Graphic or MultiMedia Artist?

Then you might be interested to know that Graphika Manila 2010 is happening on August 7 at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay. Now on it’s fifth year, participants will get to enjoy the activities and lectures from the country’s industry best as well as artists from around the globe.


Visit the Graphika Manila website for tickets, details and updates.

Credit Report Scam

In the US, there are three reputable bureaus any individual can get credit report from: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. I do not know when this happened or when this was discovered but TransUnion apparently sold confidential credit information between 1987 and 2000. This clearly violated the Federal Credit Reporting Act. The information leakage which affected a bigger slice of the American population was used to bombard those with credit scored with junk mail campaigns and unsolicited sales calls. If I were affected, that would have been really annoying. Are you affected and already included in a TransUnion Class Action Lawsuit? A lot of these cases sprung especially when TransUnion agreed to set up $75 million fund to pay for the damages. If you are at least 28 years old and filed for credit within the years mentioned, then it’s probably time to contact your lawyer.

Local Movies

There is one local movie I am looking forward to seeing: Mamarazzi! It stars Eugene Domingo, Sweet Lapus and others. I am sure this will be a riot of a movie, maybe corny but still uber funny. Eversince I saw Uge in Kimmy Dora, she earned my respect. She knows her craft and her timing is impeccable. She makes me laugh! And then let her play the roles with John Lapus? Perfect! I am going to watch Here Comes the Bride pretty soon, warm-up for Mamarazzi perhaps?

Here is the full trailer of the upcoming movie. I really wish we can see it in the theaters:

Earthquake in the South

As my morning ritual, I logged on to my Twitter and saw a Tweet from Diane that she felt the earth moved. It was not too strong but it was enough to make her dizzy. Then we heard in the news about the 6.9 quake that hit Cotobato City also this morning. Apparently, Diane felt an aftershock (?) and they were not really in the epicenter.

I am seriously scared about these earthquakes. It seems like there is one every week in different parts of the world! Let us all pray for our safety!

Comment on Sourcebits Review

Friday, July 23, 2010

I cannot relate yet in this iPod App talk because I am not an Apple user as of today. But I hear so much about it among my friends and I know that the gadget will be worth my bucks when I finally buy one.

New PC Set-up

About a couple of weeks ago, Ane and I set-up a desktop PC for Mom’s home office.Although we did not buy really high end parts (because the requirement is just for the basics – internet, MS Office, publisher and photo editing) we lived vicariously for a day. See our own pc is almost four years old and an upgrade would be nice, not that we actually need an upgrade at this time :) Anyway, back to the desktop set-up, we canvassed for video cards but there were no available stocks in the store we went to. So since my mom is not a gamer, we didn’t buy a separate one anymore, saving a few thousand pesos in the process. I love that we are able to do this, I mean setting up pc’s. In the future, maybe we can do consultancy work like this as a business :)

Time Out!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I have lots of things to say and share but I guess this is not exactly the perfect time to do so ;) The boys, K and I will be out probably the whole day tomorrow later (the day will also start pretty early) so I better get some shut-eye, like right now already. I will need all the energy that’s left of me. Time to recharge a bit more!


Bay Area Friends!

Have you heard of the new Ayala mall that recently opened in Milpitas?

seasons1It is “the newest, modern one-stop neighborhood center for the Bay Area Asian Community.”  Guess which Filipino stores are already open? There’s Yellow Cab (yes, they also deliver!), Chow King, Max’s, Goldilock’s, Seafood City, Bench and Tokyo Tokyo among others. I have yet to see pictures of the Mall but knowing how Ayala develops malls, I am sure the place is beautiful. They have an event on the 25th. Here’s the poster;


Seasons MarketPlace at Landess

1535 Landess Avenue

Milpitas, CA, 95035

Phone 408-586-9800

Mon-Sun 8am-10pm

They’re also in Facebook!

Gold Coins

Guess who requested gold coins aside from an iPad for Christmas? Me! I know it is too early for Christmas wishes but I certainly felt Christmas-y for the last few days despite lacking sleep. What, with all the work opportunities that came my way and sharing here & there?! You will probably feel the same way. I am blessed in many ways!

So why gold, you ask? Because it is a wise investment, I think. The value does not really depreciate like money and it can preserve one’s wealth. Well, that is according to my research, hehe. I could go on and on with my reasons but I have not much time right now. Let’s meet for coffee,m if you want! ;)

Something that I will probably need later

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We will have an out-of-town day trip tomorrow. I have not had a decent sleep for the last couple of days (but I am happy I earned a few $$!). I just recovered from colds which thankfully did not progress to flu. Tired is an understatement. I took a warm shower earlier tonight and laid down on the bed. I thought I’m glued! But here I am blogging, LOL!

Maybe I will need an alarm clock that literally rolls away and hides itself when it goes off. No chance for snoozing, LOL! And yes, there is such a thing and it is called Tocky:


Twitter API Limit

Do you use third party Twitter apps for your devices or add-ons for your browsers? Then you are probably familiar with the term API limit. I never had an issue with the so-called limit until the Twitter peeps decided to lower the limit by half. This was during the height of the FIFA 2010. If you are as confused as I was about it, then you might find this post helpful!

Comment: Review on Bio-alternatives

I remember my grandmother planted Oregano in her garden. I can still vividly remember the smell. And yes, she also mentioned about the medicinal use of this plant as highlighted by

Comment: Review on USEngineInc

Here is a company that supplies car, motor home engines as well as Marine engine for speed boats. We have no plans of overhauling our cars but I will keep this bookmarked fro future reference.

Comment: Review on Mattresses

Monday, July 19, 2010

I believe that the right texture of foam mattresses is essential for a restful sleep. I remember we had to change ours before the baby arrived to make sure that we will be comfortable all the time.

Comment: Review on Innovatech Products

While searching for a company that does tile removal services, I came across the website of Innovatech Products. I was doing the research for a friend’s uncle who plans to renovate his house. He needs a reliable company to do some work on the floors all over the house. I will surely lead him to the Innovatech website so he could see the options himself. While at the website, I got curious about the clean and simple design of the main page and saw this review later on. I am in the process of fixing some of the sites I own and the tips written in this review gave me ideas on where to start. I agree that colors play a big part in the design as well as the fonts used. Typography certainly takes the cake because the visitors’ attention is easily caught by the header images with words that stand out because of the size and color. I also believe that a web page design need not be too complex for it to work wonders. I understand site owners need to make the websites load as fast as possible to avoid visitors leaving right away. Keeping visitors in the site is already great marketing as it is, right?

Just for Laughs (or Chuckles)

This made me smile this morning and I found it cute so I am sharing  this to you too. I’m hoping this will make you smile also.



**Click image to view source

Comment on Immunolytics Review

We had to buy mold test kits before we moved in our current apartment. We had to make sure that the house is not infested by molds, as a health precautionary measure. Anyway, the landlord made sure that everything is fixed and ready before we started living here.

Comment on Econolighting Design Review

Indeed, home lighting fixtures complete the over-all feel of a home. Sometimes we overlook the little things like lighting and not notice that even small things provide a big impact.

Practical Window Blinds

Thursday, July 15, 2010

When we were setting up our home, I chose window blinds over curtains or drapes because I thought it’s more practical. I was right. So when my friend who is renovating their house asked for my suggestions, I told her what I thought and even told her that has 5% bonus with online coupons.

Pepper Lunch: FIFA Finals Promo

Friday, July 09, 2010



**Click image to go to Pepper Lunch website


I am praying for team Holland to win this year’s FIFA World Cup only because my brother agreed to run to Pepper Lunch if this team wins on Monday early morning. My brother said it is going to be a long shot since team Spain is a good team. But who knows? Paul the Octopus just might predict Holland’s victory! When that happens, our orange shirts are ready :)

Visit to F21

I got the chance to visit the new Forever 21 store in Megamall on Wednesday. A lot of stuff caught my attention. The prints may be too bold for me but there are some that are “tamed” :) What saddens me though is that only a few items would look good on me. And those that I was eyeing did not get the husband’s approval. Plus some sizes are limited. Makes me wonder if I really should manage my weight, go back to the gym, or probably use a fat burner. I know, I know. I’ve said this a million times and look what I have done so far? Nothing. LOL!

I should take losing weight seriously so I can fit nicely in dresses and blouses!

Philippines’ Richest according to Forbes

Forbes Magazine’s survey results on the 40 richest Filipinos for 2010 already came out and Henry Sy Sr. keeps the top spot (the the third year in a row) with net worth at $5 billion USD. His net worth actually increased from $3.8 billion last year. His wealth is said to have been fueled by the success of SM shopping malls. In the world, the mall mogul ranks 201st.

The Top Ten according to Forbes:

  1. Henry Sy, Sr. (SM)- $5 billion
  2. Lucio Tan (PAL, PNB, Asia Brewery, etc) - $2.1 billion
  3. John Gokongwei Jr. (JG Summit Holdings, Cebu Pacific, etc) - $1.5 billion
  4. Jaime Zobel de Ayala (Ayala Corp.) - $1.4 billion
  5. Andrew Tan (Alliance Global Group, Resort World Manila) - $1.2 billion
  6. Tony Tan Caktiong (Jollibee) - $980 million
  7. Enrique Razon Jr. (International Container Terminal Services) - $975 million
  8. Beatrice Campos (Unilab) - $840 million
  9. George Ty (Metrobank)- $805 million
  10. Eduard Cojuangco Jr. (San Miguel Corp) - $760 million

See the rest of the list here.

Eczema is Not Contagious

I read that eczema is a skin condition that is due to hypersensitivity reaction in the skin similar to allergies. In adults, it is generally a long-term and recurring condition. My dad is suffering from this condition and I noticed over the weekend that some parts of his skin are currently irritated. I told him to see his dermatologist soon to ease the irritation. However, I just read that treatment for eczema is not really to treat it but to contain it instead. While topical ointments can clear the rashes, eczema is not totally healed. Dad will just have to make sure his skin is properly moisturized (taking a shower three times a day will not help!) and avoid stress, temperature changes & exposure to environmental irritants. In short, stay home in the meantime Dad! :)

MOB Day at the Grocery

Thursday, July 08, 2010

I’ve been meaning to blog about the My-Own-Bag Day in SM Supermarkets but I always forget. When Zanne posted about it in her blog, I made sure to star her post so I will remember :)

MOB Day is on Wednesdays. It means the use of plastic bags are minimized. Customers are offered to put their loots in boxes and paper bags if no reusable or green bags were brought. We highly support this drive that we still bring our green bags even if we do not  buy our weekly groceries on a Wednesday. As of this writing, we now have 8 green bags, enough to hold our weekly supply.

I just noticed though that the cashiers and baggers are not as involved in this drive as they should be. I mean they are efficient in bagging the items on Wednesdays and fit everything in the bags we bring. But on other days, we would end up bringing home about 5 extra plastic bags on top of the green bags because the items are not efficiently packed. I know the MOB day is just one day each week but I think SM should also train their cashiers and baggers to maximize the use of green bags even on other days.

If we all cooperate in helping the environment then maybe we can really save the Earth for our children’s children doing little things like this.

Too Thin

Watching a local game show, one of the contestants caught my attention. She has lost so much weight from the time she joined the reality show about two years ago (though I like her hair now, too!). I do not know whether she watched her diet, worked out, or took pills like apidexin. But considering that cameras add about 10% on the actual the weight, I think she’s too thin. She now looks lanky considering her height.  Anyway, maybe she’s under the care of a nutritionist and maybe her weight loss is just enough because her skin still glowing.

Ice Scramble

Friday, July 02, 2010

This is a local street food/fare. It is made of shaved ice mixed with sugar, coloring (pink and purple are common colors) and some flavoring (vanilla perhaps). It is served with powdered milk and chocolate syrup. The manong driving a pedicab/food cart usually peddles the ice scramble outside schools. I remember buying some when I was young during school’s dismissal and Ane and I would occasionally buy now that we’re old. We just stopped buying when my OB instructed me to avoid street food while trying to get pregnant, more so when I finally got pregnant. Ice Scramble on the streets are not exactly clean, right? 

It was a delight to hear that a major mall in QC has a food cart that sells Ice Scramble. During Fathers’ Day, we had the chance to try it – only after falling in line!









Long line!!
















Getting there!



















We’re next!!







And here’s our Ice Scramble with extra milk and mallows!


And it tastes so much like the ones sold on the streets! Yummy! And better because this is clean! We were like kids again!

Super Stressed

Our youngest is seriously stressed these days. See, he’s currently enrolled in major subjects this term and did I mention he’s taking a double degree course in Accountancy and Economics?! Talk about being toxic. He works every night and sleeps just about four hours so he can finish his homework. He is always tired (up to the point of frustration) and taking vitamins as supplements so he won't get sick. The term is ending in a few weeks, and I hope he gets through fine.

Is Vaio Too Hot to Handle?


vaioSony Corporation had to recall some units of the F and C series of the Vaio when they received about 39 cases of overheating complaints from unit owners. The affected units are the ones sold after January 2010. The issue also include the bending of the cases because of the overheating and could potentially burn users. There are however no cases of burns yet.  The affected batch is said to be delivered and sold around the world.

Sending the unit back to Sony is not necessary as the problem can be resolved by just doing a software upgrade. Sony has released a list of affected units, check here. You you have an affected unit, you just need to download the update and that should do the trick.

He is Insomniac

Twitter made me updated about the local celebrities as well as the foreign ones. One of those I follow is the lead vocalist of a famous local band who rants about not being able to sleep at night. Whatever he does, he just could not sleep when he’s supposed to and only gets sleepy around 6am. I am tempted to tweet him to suggest some of the natural sleeping pills I've read about but I am not sure if he’ll notice me at least. Oh well, maybe he already need a sleep doctor because it seems like his problem has gotten worse.

Four Years

Thursday, July 01, 2010

July 1 is our wedding anniversary. Look at the ticker at the side bar! It says we are celebrating our fourth year this year. It is amazing that we have been together this long, not counting the other four years we were sweethearts. I always say that a marriage works because the woman makes it but when I married my husband, I understood better. Of course every relationship works if both parties are willing, right? It takes two to tango, so they say.

So I’d like to commend my Ane for sticking up for and with me all these years. Thank you for being patient always. Love you!

Information on HGH supplements

HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone and is naturally produced in the brain. There are products, injectables actually that are out in the market that promise expected results. However, they may become costly. Now, there are supplements available in the market that are more affordable. I found information on these supplements, click here to view the site. It reviews the benefits and downside of available supplements. So if you are considering taking an HGH booster, also find the time to read reviews and consult with your physician.

Eclipse Stills

**this post have no spoilers :)

Snagged these stills by Summit Entertainment from a Yahoo page:



Yes, Ane and I were able to watch the movie on its first day, first show at Theater Mall yesterday. We had to go there early because tickets weren’t pre-sold. The booths were still closed when we got there but there were two lines already. The others who were in line were getting tickets for later that day so we still got good seats for the 11am show.

It is hard to be the first one among friends to be able to watch a movie we’ve all been waiting for: I have no one to discuss the movie with! LOL! So yes, I am waiting until they are able to catch this third Twilight installment. Maybe this weekend!

Hoy Zanne, why didn’t we discuss this over at YM this afternoon?! I forgot you already watched!Ugh.

Low Self Esteem

I know of a college student who has low self esteem. It is because her face breaks out with acne and it takes time to clear up. There are days that she would rather stay home than mingle with her peers and even wants to miss school. Her dermatologist is trying her best to help her with acnepril prescription, hormone pills and weekly facial treatment. They also consider doing laser on the face to smoothen the surface. The student hopes that her acne woes end really soon so she could live more normally.