Real jobs for real people

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I just finished the tag below and realized that I haven't had a real job (one that pays, of course!) except that one with the telecom company and the one I have right now (which is not that demanding either, in some ways, huh). I gave up the corporate world after less than two years and I've been "this" since then. I once tried being a real estate agent (before graduating from college) and was able to close one deal thru the help of my mom and that was it. I realized I'm not really a salesperson and never will be. And since I just recently discovered that I like digital art, I'm trying to earn from it too, freelance, of course ;) I am honestly still finding "me". I'm probably taking too much time thinking about what I want but I'm happy that Hubby is very supportive all the way. I'm getting there, hopefully.