
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yesterday, I paid for the contribution intended for the subdvision (where the brothers' apartment is located) Christmas party on the 8th. The letter also asks that we confirm whether anyone is attending or not so the committee can allot the food. We are going to miss the gathering altogether. This is the second year that we are not attending since we moved in (which reminds me how everything was a blur since we needed to move out due to some unexpected circumstances, and how I wish we had a service like that of a New York Moving Company...our move could have been done more swiftly..and yes, am blabbing now...). It's not that we are being anti-social, but the second weekend of December, from experience, is usually busy for us. Besides, since we are only renting, we can't tell for how long we are gonna stay and I for one, suffers from separation anxiety that I cannot be too close with anyone.

Did this post make any sense at all? Sigh, I need to focus.